Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Family Gifts

What gifts have your family given you?

A lot of the things my family has taught me have come through difficult relationships and events. Both of my parents have taught me how to be a wonderful parent by lacking, themselves, good parenting skills. My mom has showed me why I should be strong and friendly, because she, herself, is not. She lives a somewhat reclusive life with no friends outside work, and she drinks by herself way too frequently. My dad showed me that it's not a good idea to get wrapped up in an addiction (he has a very addictive personality). It can make you lose all you have. He came very close and then he taught me to be courageous and strong by going to AA and cleaning up his act after years of submitting to alcohol. What are the positive things my parents have taught me through positive things they've done? I don't even know. I can't think of a single thing. I'll have to come back to this.

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