Monday, September 13, 2010

The Happiness Ticket

The goal is to find out what you have told yourself must happen first before you can be happy.

I'd be happy if...
I were more outgoing.
I were more assertive.
I were prettier.
I weren't so fearful.
I felt more appreciated.
I were more creative.

I'll be happy when...
I have more money.
I have a job that I love.
I have my own house.

I'll be happy after...
I become successful.
I have my own house.
I conquer my fears.

A lot of the "ifs" are things I can work on every single second of my life but I don't. The "whens" and "afters" are things in the future that I'm "striving" for, when instead I could just enjoy the journey toward them.

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